Sorry voor all mensen Nederlands niet verstaan. Ik moet nu in Nederlands schrifjen voor ik in Amsterdam woon. Mijn Nederlands is niet zo goed maar ik heb nu geen alternatieven. Minister Verdonk (Integratie and Vreemdelingenzaken) zei dat allochtonen (ik ben een allochtoon) moeten Nederlands op straten praten. Haar partij wil dat mensen zich veilig voelen.
Hararin Nexus (3): riidankylväjäalgoritmit
6 days ago
1 comment:
A quick translation for those who do not understand (don´t give me in, please):
Rita Verdonk, the Minister of Integration, has said yesterday that she thinks that there should be a national code in the Netherlands creating a pressure for the immigrants to speak Dutch on the streets. She says that she has heard several people (autochtonen, meaning the original Dutch) saying lately that they think if one has settled to the Netherlands, one should speak Dutch. She is going to go the issue through with experts in the following weeks.
It seems the country really cannot value its uniquely marvellous features. As a colleague of mine wisely said, the country is moving into a direction where being in the country is more about unified identity than being able to live together.
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