Theatre Director Leea Klemola is currently directing a version of Alban Berg´s opera Lulu for Kokkola Opera. In Klemola´s version Lulu is not a sexy, vulnerable woman manipulated by men but a hairy woman from the circus who loves to get laid. In the interview Klemola talks about her perception of men:
"Nothing beats Finnish men! I can say that we were just ice fishing yesterday that I love Finnish men who are too noble to beat you, when I should probably be hit, when foam comes from the corners of my mouth and I say that once again me alone here all blah-blah! I would hit someone like that! The women that Finnish men tolerate, would never be tolerated in France! I would never marry a Frenchman, I would rather shoot a bullet into my head. Or maybe I would marry but at least would not do any art there."
- Vesa Sirén, Helsingin Sanomat.
How is that for a statement?
Hararin Nexus (3): riidankylväjäalgoritmit
6 days ago
Ainut mikä mua nyppii on se, että Sireeni on varmaan jättäny Stradan pois ihan tahallaan tuosta pilkkiviittauksesta. Klemolahan ei harrasta pilkkimistä, vaan lähti sinne ku pyyettiin. Mutta ei se Klemolan vika oo. Se on huippumimmi.
Samaa jäin minäkin miettimään. Teitä muuten hehkutettiin pirteänä tai virkeänä tms. HS:n mielipidekirjoituksesa pari päivää sitten. Että Strada ainakin lähtee ajoittain Helsingin ulkopuolelle.
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