Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sometimes even the best of us trip

The Guardian has been one of my favourite newspapers of all time. I really see them as a quality newspaper. I attended last week a seminar where one of their editors told that they wish to promote civilised conversation in the society.

Well, this article by Emma Brockes from today really makes me doubt what they mean with civilised conversation. I find it difficult to understand that something like this can be written in a quality newspaper. The Nazi card is so easy to draw. But if you do it, you should really pay attention to your argumentation.

p.s. To make it clear: I do not agree with the policy of the Austrian government to hault the start of the negotiations.


TyskJohan said...

From the article Tommi refers to:

Like the Channel Islands, Austria was forced to amend its self-portrait as a victim of the war and own up to its complicity.

When did the Channel Islands amend their self-portrait? I was on Jersey a week ago and saw nothing of that.

But then again, I'm just a half-german buried in self-despisal and without cultural pride, as I have been told.

ice breaker said...

But imagine now how I feel, first I am buried in self-flagellation and without cultural pride, because being Austrian is not much easier then being German - and we only recently began to realise that we might actually not have been the first victims...

-and then I have a fascist government again, changing it’s colours every once in a while!

Tommi Laitio said...

Well, it is not easy for me either. I mean I am in the same office with two Austrians ;)

I really find it hard to believe that this was published somewhere else than on the opinions page. And to be honest, based on agitation regulations it maybe would not have made it there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this just sort of ended in the wrong pile of the editor's desk? Can't imagine other reasons for it to be published. It most certainly isn't well argumented, articulate and objective and I'd be surprised not to read many concerned comments to it in the opinions page ...